In late November 2015, Brooklyn Park, MN, police officer Sean Hyman was viciously assaulted and nearly lost his life. The suspect tried to take the officers weapon and then applied a Vascular Neck Restraint (aka Rear Naked Choke) in an attempt to render Officer Hyman unconscious.
In this critical Gracie Breakdown, Gracie Academy head instructors Ryron and Rener expose the archaic mentality surrounding law enforcement training at most police departments throughout the country, and they make a case for teaching the Vascular Neck Restraint (and the counter) to every officer in America.
Bottom line: an officer is only as good as the training they receive. Please share and let’s save lives on both sides of the equation.
Gracie Academy would like to sponsor Officer Hyman to participate in the our 5-day Instructor Certification Course. If you have direct contact with him or the department, please notify him of our invitation and have him contact
For all upcoming Gracie Survival Tactics course dates, or to access the complete course online, CLICK HERE.