When I was promoted into the Violent Crimes Unit, I quickly realized that I needed a hobby to help clear my mind and make my off-duty hours as restorative as possible. I heard about an elderly lady who taught woodcarving from her home. I’m not artistic, but signed up anyway. I learned techniques that made blocks of wood become beautiful birds, fish, flowers and more. But it was pipe carving that has stuck with me for 30 years now. When I’m in my little shop carving away with music and a glass of port, my mind lets go of the work hassles, and the hours can feel like minutes. The creative feeling is really uplifting. “Freehand” pipes don’t require a lathe, just a drill press, a vise and some simple hand tools. I give the pipes to friends. For me, pipe carving became a silver bullet for job stress. Feel free to write me at dave@360armor.org if you want to know more.
Do you have a hobby that helps with stress from the job? Send a photo and short description to us at articles@apbweb.com.
As seen in the October 2020 issue of American Police Beat magazine.
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