K9 Chico became a fashion sensation on social media when he posed for a new ID badge wearing his handler’s uniform, complete with tie. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Florida says the pup’s human partner, Corporal
Robert Lees, “wanted Chico to feel extra special during our department’s routine identification photoshoot.” The resulting tongue-in-cheek (or, to be more accurate in Chico’s case, tongue-slightly-sticking-out) picture won
him nationwide fame. “Members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office are proud to see K9 Chico’s hard work as a patrol dog celebrated by such a wide audience,” the agency tells us, adding that although Chico has been on the force for four and a half years, “in dog years this photo represents 35 years of dedicated service.”
As seen in the December 2020 issue of American Police Beat magazine.
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