I definitely think cops need a good hobby. My hobby is remote control (RC) airplanes, and I really do credit it for helping me when I’m off-duty to get my mind to join my body. I’m lucky because I started this hobby pre-LEO, I mean like 6 years old. The cool thing about it is that it can be right-brain, left-brain or both. I’m a “both” kind of guy, so it’s perfect for me. The analytical side of me really digs the physics of flying planes, but the creative side gets fed by all of the artistic fun I have when I’m building my planes. Another thing that’s really cool is that if you get hooked up in a local RC club, the fellowship alone is good recovery. Most guys and gals who get into this hobby are interesting people who come from all walks of life. They are so into flying that they don’t really care to ask me all those stupid have-you-ever-shot-anybody kinds of questions. If you want to give this hobby a try, you can get in for something as cheap as $50, and there’s really good starter-level stuff for about $400. One thing I might recommend that you do first, though, is learn how to fly on your computer with a simple flight simulator. Chances are, this step will make your initial investment last longer. If you think this hobby could be for you, feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to help you out.
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