CENTREVILLE, VA – REJIS, a provider of secure information technology solutions for organizations where security is paramount, has collaborated with CARFAX for Police, the trusted provider of vehicle history information, to provide their law enforcement partners with fast access to the CARFAX database of 31 billion vehicle records.
The REJIS solution integrates data across jurisdictions to provide law enforcement with the tools they need to fight crime and ensure public safety. Vehicle records returning from REJIS investigative search tools such as Vehicle Investigative and PowerLink will be enhanced with hyperlinks to the CARFAX for Police Vehicle History Report.
This collaboration with CARFAX for Police will allow law enforcement agencies in Missouri, Kansas, and parts of Illinois to access their CARFAX account with the simple click of a button, making it easier for investigators to make more informed decisions and act quickly in the fight against crime. More than 75 percent of all crimes involve a vehicle, and every 27 seconds, a law enforcement professional uses a CARFAX Investigative Tool. Currently, more than 100,000 users at 5,400+ partner agencies access these tools at no cost.
“We are excited to offer our partnering agencies greater access to vehicle records and expanding law enforcement investigative data collection,” says Captain Ryan Burkhardt (retired), Chief Executive Officer for REJIS. Burkhardt went on to add, “This collaboration with CARFAX for Police is an example of our (REJIS) commitment to integrating germane information for the advancement in Law Enforcement analytics. We are thankful to CARFAX for offering their resources to assist law enforcement and supporting efforts to create safer communities.
“This strategic effort is helping to fulfill an industry-wide demand for law enforcement professionals to have access to multiple data sources in a single view,” commented Lt. Michael Ledoux (ret.), CARFAX for Police Business Development Director. “Carfax for Police is committed to finding opportunities to provide law enforcement professionals with fast access to critical information that will help solve crimes faster.”
For more than 50 years, the REJIS Commission has been dedicated to providing innovative, secure information technology (IT) solutions for organizations where security is paramount.
Whether integrating criminal justice jurisdictions or storing and managing data for the public sector, REJIS’ clients work with confidence knowing their data is secured by the experts in law enforcement, criminal justice, and technology. In the field and in the office, REJIS delivers fast, secure access, storage, and management of the critical data our partners need to function safely and efficiently.
Where and when data matters most, REJIS is there.